Friday, November 11, 2011

New toys :)

Hello everyone! (Ha... I say that like lots of people read this or something... psh) 
Today.... I made..... SOMETHING. I don't really know what to call it.. haha But I am doing a photo session for a family with 5 little boys tonight and well, I think they might possibly enjoy this!  Check it out!

See, I really don't know what to call it... haha But I sure am excited to let the boys name it tonight! 
I made it in about 3 minutes with:

1. My mom's old scruchie (shh don't tell her. She is out of town)
2. Two old buttons I found on our button jar (Perfect creeper eyes. I know)
3. A long piece of yarn.
4. Three safety pins.


Have a fantastic day is Jesus! 

Love love love, Faith

Friday, November 4, 2011


I feel like I always start my posts with "So.... its been a while.." And do you know what that means?  There is WAY too much time between each of my blog posts... seriously like months! 
I've been crafting a LOT lately. I love love love it... 
The reason I decided to post right now is because I have decided to fast from facebook for a week. And since I can't upload photos to facebook to show you the super cool and cute thing I just made I just HAD to show you somehow! Plus... I can be sneaky and still share this post on facebook without actually getting onto facebook ;) shhhhh.. don't tell!

I have been obsessed with using old hymnals for art projects lately... and today I decided to try something new that I had seen somewhere. 
Yeyyyy! Little bird ornaments! I am still going to add some glitter buuuut at the moment I don't have any..

Luke told me to sell these so I think I'm going to tell him that each time he looks at them he owes me $5. Brilliant right? Somehow I don't think he'll go with it.. :P

Here are some other things I have made recently out of hymnal pages. :) EnJOY!

We decorated frames at the Jr High bible study I led this summer. :)

I got this frame at a thrift store for like $1! It was just plain untreated wood so I fixed it up. And by fixed it up I mean made it look old. :) 

Love love love,
Faith Myranda